Well, it's time to get back to what I do best... hum-hum. Well, it's a way of speaking. I like drawing; drawing is fun; and drawing is actually something that I can do, enjoy and sometimes people will pay me to do it! Isn't that wonderful? No but seriously, isn't that a dream come true? To do exactly what you like doing and getting paid to do it?
I like doing jewelry; I do. But sometimes, it's very useful to take a step back and wonder...: is it really worth it? I mean, I get in a mood sometimes when all I want to be doing is jewelry, but then, as a hobby, it's not necessarily the most fun, and it actually costs me a bunch a money that I won't make back. Oh well!...
I had a yard sale too the other day; it went so well! It was the first time I had a yard sale and I was amazing by the great people I met throughout the days: neighbours, people who come from different neighbourhood, but everyone was very nice and so sociable! it was great to chat and get to know people from different backgrounds. Plus, I actually ended up making way more money than I expected—and that, even though I stupidly put one of my PS3 controller in the bag when I sold my PS2 system :( The guy who bought it was such a sweetheart that I was certain he would bring it back.
But he didn't...
So I did "lose" some money because I had to purchase a new one. Oh well! that's what happens when you want to do something quickly and you don't pay attention, I suppose.
Like typos in a blog :P
Otherwise, I committed myself to training; for the past 5 days, I've been going to the YMCA almost everyday! really a big change for me because I was never the "sporting" type. Juuuust too lazy! You know this drive that people claim they have that they can't stop, that they have to push themselves, a kind of voice that tells them how loser they are if they stop? well, I don't have that voice. Every time I try to run, there's another voice in my head that just says: "what the heck?!" and I stop. So getting committed to pushing myself... well, i thought this would actually be very very difficult. But it's not! I guess you really need to find something that you like doing, an exercise that makes you exercise while making you feel good.
Anyway, it's working for me, and I'm quite happy about that!
So there, not so much, apart from the fact that I want to devote most of my time to painting and drawing from now on.
There's still the dissertation...
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